Lyla Yip, BMLSc’82

What is your current career or current educational program?
I am currently self-employed as a Dr. of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
If you are working, please describe what you do, in a few sentences.
I work as an Acupuncturist, recommend traditional Chinese Medicine for chronic illness, and provide QiGong exercises for physical therapy.
What has been your journey, since graduating from the BMLSc Program?
After graduating, I worked as a Medical Research Assistant at UBC where I continued to study and obtained a Master of Science Degree in Health Planning and Administration.
How did your BMLSc degree help you to get where you are now?
Although my current practice is in Alternative Health care, the BMLSc program provided me the knowledge in Western medicine which allows me to understand and communicate with my patients better.
What is the most valuable experience you gained from the BMLSc Program?
We were taught by experts in the medical field since we were at the leading edge of medical science.
What did you enjoy most about the BMLSc Program?
Lab work and discussions with ‘Charlie’ lab assistant. He was like a ‘walking encyclopedia’.
As part of the first graduating class from the BMLSc Program, please share any additional thoughts or memories of your experience.
It was an honour to be taught by Charles Culling, who developed this degree program with Dr. Reid. Unfortunately, he passed away before we graduated. He impressed the value of the knowledge we were obtaining.
What is one piece of advice that you would give to BMLSc students and recent graduates?
The knowledge you will learn in the BMLSc program will open doors for obtaining further knowledge. To the Graduates of the BMLSc, this is only the beginning of your career in health care. Some may become hospital administrators, others may become doctors or researchers. Some may pursue alternative healthcare fields, as I did. As long as you enjoy your studies and your work, you well keep yourself healthy.
Name one thing on your bucket list.
Visit every province and territory in Canada.