Department of Molecular Oncology at BC Cancer

Cynthia Ferguson, Leader, Research Projects and Operations at BC Cancer Agency

Dr. Poul Sorensen Awarded the 2020 Aubrey J. Tingle Prize / Life Sciences BC

Grant Awarded: Dr. Poul Sorensen, St. Baldrick’s Foundation

Researchers awarded more than $1M to tackle aggressive bone cancer in children

Grant Awarded (**Award Announcement Pending**): Dr. Poul Sorensen, SU2C Phillip A. Sharp Innovation in Collaboration Award

Publication: Dr. Samuel Aparicio, Cell

Publication went out in the Fall outlining a groundbreaking study for large-scale population analysis over thousands of cells:

Grant Awarded: Dr. Samuel Aparicio, Gray Foundation

Publication: Dr. Sohrab Shah, Nature Methods

Publication went out in the Fall for a new tool developed - CellAssign leverages prior knowledge of cell-type marker genes to annotate single-cell RNA sequencing data into predefined or de novo cell types.

Recognition: Dr. David Huntsman – IARC-WHO #2 on world’s top 15 most impactful ovarian cancer pathology researchers for last 5 year period

New Post-doc: Yangguang (Sunny) Li

New Post-doc: Hoa Tran