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Welcome to Pathology's Bi-Weekly Bulletin | July 8th, 2022


At the end of May, the UBC community gathered together to celebrate our spring 2022 graduates on their achievements. Learn more about our newest alumni from across our Faculty on the UBC Faculty of Medicine graduation webpage | UBC BMLSc ALUMNI.

Honours & Awards

  • Congratulations to Dr. Cheryl Wellington on receiving a 2022 Faculty of Medicine Distinguished Achievement Award for Excellence in Clinical or Applied Research.
  • Congratulations to Dr. Jayachandran Kizhakkedathu on receiving a 2022 Faculty of Medicine Distinguished Achievement Award for Excellence in Basic Science Research.
  • Congratulations to Dr. Cornelia Laule on receiving a 2022 Faculty of Medicine Distinguished Achievement Award for Overall Excellence – Mid-career.

New book on drug testing

A book on drug testing written by Dr. Wes Schreiber, Clinical Director of Chemistry at LifeLabs and Professor at the Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, UBC, has just been published. An Introduction to Testing for Drugs of Abuse presents a distilled set of facts about the major drugs of abuse that are encountered in clinical practice. Special attention is given to the testing process, with an emphasis on interpretation of test results. Case studies at the end of each chapter illustrate the many situations in which drug testing is performed for medical, legal and employment purposes.

This book provides practical guidance to pathologists, clinical laboratory scientists, technologists and other health care professionals on how to order and interpret drug tests accurately. It is available at the following website:

Inclusive Teaching @ UBC

A website for UBC instructors, graduate students and staff who want to learn more about inclusive teaching practices. Find resources, discover opportunities for professional development, and learn about work happening across UBC. Read More

Highlighted Events - introducing reuse-it UBC

Give your old equipment a new home: powered by Rheaply AxM, this online warehouse allows current UBC Vancouver employees to find and exchange low-value items ($1,000 or less) between departments. reuse-it UBC