Written by: Amanda Bradley, PhD (she, her, hers)
BMLSc 40th Anniversary
This year marks the 40th graduating class of the BMLSc Program! Our alumni, now 621 strong, are outstanding contributors to society, taking on an incredible diversity of roles. As part of our anniversary celebration, with support of the Faculty of Medicine Alumni Engagement office, we reached out to alumni to find out where they are now and how the BMLSc Program helped them get there. Meet eight alumni who graduated between 1982 (the first graduating cohort) and 2019. We also share a 2-minute video of reflections from the class of 2020.

Dr. Tim Seabrook, BMLSc’95
Clinical Scientist, Switzerland
Alumni Q&A

Niki Hajmoshir, BMLSc’19, MDS (Comp Ling)’20
Language Engineer at Amazon
Alumni Q&A

Dane De Silva, BMLSc’11
Family Violence Programs Manager in the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in Richmond, VA
Alumni Q&A

Owen (Brad) Spiller, BMLSc’89
Head of Medical Microbiology at Cardiff University School of Medicine
Alumni Q&A

Brenda Farnquist, BMLSc’00
Radiologist, Kelowna
Alumni Q&A

Barry Lam, BMLSc’98, MSc’02
Manager for Safety and Wellness, Unity Health Toronto
Alumni Q&A

Paul Fang, BSc’84, BMLSc’86, MSc’88
Corporate, Commercial, Securities Lawyer
Alumni Q&A

Lyla Yip, BMLSc’82
Dr. of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Alumni Q&A