Weekly Province-wide Pathology Rounds Return
Date & Time: October 18th, 12:00PM | Presenter: Dr. Cheryl Wellington, Vice Chair of Research, and Dr. Mike Nimmo, Vice Chair of Clinical Education, will provide the Department with an update on the Department’s research and clinical education strategies at the October 18th Department rounds.
Invited Guest Lecture: Date & Time: October 25th, 12:00PM | Presenter: Dr. Peter Boor, MD, PhD, Professor and Chair of Translational Nephropathology at RWTH Aachen University, Germany. Dr. Boor will deliver a guest lecture titled "Deep Learning 4 (Nephro)Pathology… the future begins now", discussing the future of AI in pathology. For more about Dr. Boor, click here .
Learning objectives: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Deep Learning (DL) hold great promise to transform pathology practice. Currently, the majority of commercially available products and AI research focuses on end-to-end AI, i.e., an approach in which the model learns all the steps between the initial input and the final output, providing qualitative or semiquantitative (class) data. An alternative approach to analyze histomorphology is using DL-based segmentation of relevant histological compartments and cells, followed by extraction of relevant quantitative data (features). If done on a large scale, it is termed pathomics, representing a novel -omics approach for morphology at the microscopical level. Pathomics complements molecular omics, like genomics or transcriptomics, but radiomics, which aims at quantifying radiology images, i.e., at the macroscopic level. This lecture will provide comparisons between end-to-end models and pathomics, examples of pathomics in research, and examples of challenges in bringing DL into clinical practice.
You can also view previous rounds here.
We welcome your participation and suggestions for topics or speakers. Please email your ideas to pathassist@pathology.ubc.ca.
The same Zoom link will be used for all rounds: Join Zoom Meeting